Beck Lorsch
Student | Software Developer



I am passionate software developer and rising junior at Yale College from San Francisco joint majoring in computer science and economics. I have completed projects independently, with partners, and for clients. I started programming in Swift in 2015 shortly after it's release and have worked with iOS for a decade.

In working on my projects—which have been downloaded in more than 70 countries—I have grown familiar with Apple and third party technologies including Git, CocoaPods, ResearchKit, CoreData, Realm, RESTful APIs, CocoaPods, GraphQL, AWS (Cognito, AppSync, etc.), tvOS, Firebase, Twilio, in-app purchases (especially subscriptions), the Spotify SDK, and Auth0.

I have additionally expanded my skill set to include JavaScript/Vue/Node.js, Python/Flask, Java/Android, and DevOps tools like Docker and Kubernetes. When I'm not coding or in school, I am a skipper on Yale's Varsity Sailing team (2022 National Champions), take photos (film and digital), surf, and read (often on economic history).

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